I just wanted to download my license from within SyncroSoft License Control, for VI Special Edition, and the license manager told me to download a newer version of LCC. I did that, installed it (Mac OS X) and now ALL MY LICENSE ARE GONE! Cubase, VSL, ElioSoft - gone. Tried to reboot. No change. Anyone knows if there is a way to fix this? This is totally unacceptable from a "professional" company like SyncoSoft to release software that can potentially ruin your workstation.
I know this is NOT VSL's fault in any way, but I just wonder if anyone in here knows how to fix it. And maybe warn people that this could happen to others too. I wrote SyncroSoft, but their lame support form doesn't give me any indication that I will get support from them anytime soon, if ever.
I know this is NOT VSL's fault in any way, but I just wonder if anyone in here knows how to fix it. And maybe warn people that this could happen to others too. I wrote SyncroSoft, but their lame support form doesn't give me any indication that I will get support from them anytime soon, if ever.