@cm said:
i'd say it is not as much apple, although they tend to make their descriptions as simple as possibel, but hyper-enthusiastic "writers" (please note the quotes) of certain magacines or online-publications who pick up single statements not understanding about what they are talking about. unfortunately this also applies to sales people too often ...
the machines itself are great, so i do not understand why such attampts for glrification are even needed ...
but to return to a real issue ... what soundcards are you considering to use? i have not been too lucky on searching for PCIe interfaces. roumors say the quadcore will offer a PCI-X slot again, because it seems there are not too much PCIe options on the market ...
I can understand Nick's feelings, but I've had my issues with Firewire lately. Even on the current MacPros, the FW ports all funnel into the single 33Mhz bus, and I'm using a Duende module-- which needs all the bandwidth it can get.
I'm giving the Apogee Symphony card a very serious look. The sound is incredible. One one computer I'm thinking of putting in one of the 16x interfaces and running it out to a modified MOTU 2408mk3 via ADAT for a start. Eventually, I'd like to go all Apogee-- but the MacPro and the first Apogee module and card come first.
I'm wondering if I can get away using their mini DAC on one of the computers and the Symphony plus 16x on the other....? Hmmm...
One nice thing about the 16x-- it has the same clock as their Big Ben!