@vinco said:
how do you get the right balance of the instruments and automation if your instruments are not panned while automating in midi?
The most common way to spread phantom sources in the stereo field are:
a) Each stereo track is on two faders, one fader for the left channel, and one fader for the right channel. Each of this two single channel fader has one pan knob. This gives all options as when mixing with a console.
b) Interaural intensity differences (IID), or better called interaural level differences (ILD), are differences in the intensity of sound arriving at the two ears, and are important cues to localise sounds.
c) Interaural Time differences (ITD), are the main cues for localizing the azimuthal position of sounds. For example: even when the left channel is far louder then the right channel, but the left channel is delayed by a few macroseconds against the right channel, then we localize the sound comming from the right, because the sound from the right channel arrives a few macroseconds earlier at our ear.