@Angelo Clematide said:
I. The total dynamic range
03. Absolute maximum loudness - staccato
Play a tutti chord where all instruments play a staccato ff sample with a velocity of 127. This will produce the maximum loudness possible. The master fader will not clip, but may raise to 0.01 dB Peak.
Now my stupidity got even worse, cause now I got two questions:
1. I thought a staccato ff tutti should bring the fader to 0.01 dB???
2. But no matter, which headroom I should get, the question stays, why I don´t need to balance my instruments before. If I´m right, the volumes of the single patches are optimized and not all ballanced in relation to eachother. This means, that I have to turn down the volume of e.g. the solo violin, cause otherwise I´d get the unrealistic situation, that one single violin plays as loud as the other 16 ones.
But if I lower the volume of single instruments, don´t I also lower the overall volume, so that after some balancing action my headroom gets bigger (e.g. -20 dB instead of -12 dB)?