I was thinking about buying one set to start. to get a sense of the library before making the full purchase. ie: Brass (I don't want to wait for the reviews to buy the whole set, I want to deside with a quick test run).
Am I correct in assuming I will need to purchase the whole performance set.
It seems I would need the performance elements in order to get a good sense of it.
I think you should consider selling the sections with their performance elements. This would also serve people who, say, prefer to use someone else's string collection.
I know your creating an all in one solution and I'm sure I'll own the whole thing... but I think this option is important. If a budget purchaser loved your wood winds but thought SI Strings were more his taste, they would have to pay for all those performances they didn't want.
P.S. I am waiting with baited breath to try the legato tool. Is there a demo online using the strings with slides legato tool?
Am I correct in assuming I will need to purchase the whole performance set.
It seems I would need the performance elements in order to get a good sense of it.
I think you should consider selling the sections with their performance elements. This would also serve people who, say, prefer to use someone else's string collection.
I know your creating an all in one solution and I'm sure I'll own the whole thing... but I think this option is important. If a budget purchaser loved your wood winds but thought SI Strings were more his taste, they would have to pay for all those performances they didn't want.
P.S. I am waiting with baited breath to try the legato tool. Is there a demo online using the strings with slides legato tool?