"fa" means "fast." "fA" means "optimized for legato attack." But what do the letters "fA" actually stand for?
fa and fA
That's what I had thought. But I couldn't (and still can't) understand how fast attacks and a sound "optimized for legato" are the same thing.
I'm also curious to know when VSL users find fA's most helpful. If I need a fast legato sound, I'd tend to use the fast legato patches. I'm not sure where fA's fit into the palette.
Hi Plowman,
it´s just another option you can use [:)]
The faster the attack of a sample, the better the transition between the samples will be, even when it is not a sampled legato like in the fast attack patches.
The fast attack patches are also polyphonic, which can be helpful sometimes.
And of course the patch is way smaller than the fast legato patches, so there´s an economical aspect also.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support