How about some real-world videos of putting a piece together from start to finish? Or online videos of the workshops?
Vienna Special Addition
This would be so useful, it's not even funny. A bit like EQWL did for the Choirs.
The VSL is a huge learning curve, something - anything - like this would be amazing.
Start off with something R-e-a-l-l-y simple and definite, like a well known pop song or something for a small arrangement?
In fact, this is maybe somethnig that we, collectively as VSL users, could chip in with ideas and do ourselves?
/glances at hetoryn [:)]
Banquo, try Beat Kaufmann's excellent site for getting a start with Vienna Instruments:
The Special Edition will be used just as the Vienna Instruments I and II are, (minus some articulations), so Beat's tutorials are applicable and also very good!