@gungnir said:
This issue of turning the legato mode on and off in the Performance Tool with some type of midi parameter is very important to some programmers who work with custom templates.
This would be great. I am using EXS. A MIDI method of switching to and from any of the following would be great:
THRU (off)
And that is because I could then layer other articulations onto a PERF instrument, switch to Pizzicato for instance and switch to Alternation all on one instrument, back to LEGATO TREMELO, ALTERNATION Staccato, THRU Looped Sustains, the possibilites are endless and wonderful. A VIOLINS ALL could truly be created.
You could even go so far as to have the PERFORMANCE TOOL "sense" which tool is needed by placing a single sample/zone down at A-2 or something. When that note is present it knows it's on a LEGATO instrument. When a switched to keygroup has a B-2 then it knows to use ALTERNATION.
Evan Evans