Here's the error text:
[code:1:2d40e75574]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server- Fehler '80040e14'
Zeile 1: Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von 't'.
/, line 33[/code:1:2d40e75574]
I was able to rememedy the error by removing apostrophes from my words in teh comment field. You just need to do the REPLACE("'","''") function, replcaing single apostrophes with double aopostrophes.
Evan Evans
[code:1:2d40e75574]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server- Fehler '80040e14'
Zeile 1: Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von 't'.
/, line 33[/code:1:2d40e75574]
I was able to rememedy the error by removing apostrophes from my words in teh comment field. You just need to do the REPLACE("'","''") function, replcaing single apostrophes with double aopostrophes.
Evan Evans