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  • VIP Upgrade to OPUS 1

    Cast your vote and your voice with a YES or a NO if you are a current First Edition owner. This is a serious thread, so please if you are not a First Edition owner do not interject your opinion.

    We are asking for a VIP purchase price for OPUS 1 so that we could buy it, and not have to pay for the samples we already own. That was the vision of the VIP upgrade program that Herb created. Now let's see how many of you would like a VIP purchase option for the OPUS 1.

    After your simple, YES or NO, you may write another paragraph about your vote.

  • YES

    (of course) [:)]

  • YES

  • NO

    I'd rather spend the extra to get the PRO Edition - more comprehensive coverage of the additional instruments makes the difference for me.

  • NO

    When I bought first Edition, I understood clearly what I was getting for the price, and that as a VIP member, I had an upgrade path to the Pro Edition and Symphonic Cube. That was the promise made to me by VSL, and they're keeping it. Why should I expect them to include any NEW product they happen to introduce along the way?

  • Well It's been awhile since I've been here . . . . I see what each side is saying but I think an Upgrade offer is just good customer relations. I think that's why VSL started doing this in the first place . . . . . to help their customers out and to keep them coming back for more.

    I can see that not everyone has an extra $1000.00+ to spend on upgrading their sounds . . . and for those who purchased the First Edition Orchestral Cube but not the Legato . . may have found out that they really need both to get what their looking for.

    VSL doesn't have to upgrade these new libraries but I think they might for those who did Purchase their product way back when . . . and give them a chance to get what they've been looking for.

    Herb has proven over and over again he's a fair person and does care about his customers.

    I own the First Edtion as well and it's just fantastic . . .although unfortunatly I'm not able to use Orchestral Music in alot of the sessions I do . . . . It's there when I need it. . IMO the all around best I've heard.

    And as many other I too miss having Legato and other insrtuments.

    I would have to vote YES . . but either way is fine with me [:D]

    Take Care,


    Larry Ortega
    LJ Productions

  • I don't have VSL First Edition but I just have a question for all of you: why do you want to upgrade to Opus 1? Why is the free expansion DVD not enough?

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    @peter0302 said:

    Why is the free expansion DVD not enough?

    That is my question also. Evan, can you describe what articulations/instruments/variations you believe Opus 1 will have that FE owners will not have given the free additions? Thanks.


  • I wasn't aware of the free DVD offer until after I poster here [:(]

    This offer is for Orchestal Cube First Edition owners ?

    I haven't been here in a long time and have recieved no e-mails about this
    so just trying to catch up [*-)]


  • ljpro1

    you'll get the free update DVD when you own one (or more) of these modules (or packages):

    First Edition Strings
    First Edition Brass & Woodwinds
    First Edition Cube
    First Edition Performance Set
    First Edition Full Orchestral Package

    best wishes

  • Thanks Herb,

    I've been away so long I wasn't sure what was going on . . . . . . but anyway . . .I should be ordering a few of the Horizon Sets this week as well.

    Great Job with Horizon !

    All the best,


  • YES

    But does this means that we can (as in my case) go from Performance Set FIRST EDITION. via Opus 1, to Performance Set PRO EDITION? Or is this only for owners of the ORCHESTRAL CUBE FIRST ED.?

  • Look, OPUS 1 sits somewhere between the First Edition and the Pro Edition as far as breadth of timbre (instruments). Herb, has stated in the past that users will never have to pay for the same samples twice. It is Herb's fault that he released the OPUS 1. It is now his obligation to provide the appropriate VIP upgrade price so that THOSE who choose to buy OPUS 1 and not the Pro Edition can without paying twice for the same samples. He then should of course have a price to go from OPUS 1 to PRO EDITION for FIRST EDITION to OPUS 1 purchasers. if he didn't want this mess than he should not have released OPUS 1 or he should not have developed the VIP program.

    That is how I see it and I am fighting for those few who desire this upgrade path, however ridiculous it seems to others including Herb.

    Evan Evans

    P.S. This doesn't change how I feel about Herb and all his wonderful work. I thank him greatly. I'm just looking for consistently fair results.

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    @peter0302 said:

    I don't have VSL First Edition but I just have a question for all of you: why do you want to upgrade to Opus 1? Why is the free expansion DVD not enough?
    Because of all the stuff in OPUS 1 that is not found in the DVD Update and in our First Edition. Figure it out Peter, I mean come on, why ask a question for which the answer does not even concern you? We current First Edition users understand the differences pretty clearly. Some of us are wanting a VIP upgrade as noted by the responses here, and some of us would rather go to Pro Edition. (Only those who want to go to the pro Edition kind of disrespectfully voted NO without consideration for those wanting a VIP price. Of course a VIP upgrade price is optional. No one demands that you must upgrade to OPUS 1.) This thread is to vote for the option of a VIP upgrade. Everything else at VSL has a corresponding VIP upgrade price. I'm just asking for consistency. Maybe in the next 48 hours I'll post a rundown for everyone who doesn't understand, here.

    And Peter please try to honor my request for this thread to be responded to by only First Edition owners (read the first post please). Otherwise this thread is going to turn into mush.

    I'm sure you're a cool guy but I'm just not needing responses from people who don't understand the issues. I wanted this thread to be highly streamlined and sterilized from ignorance (I use this word in the classical sense not in the offensive sense).

    perhaps you are someone who is thinking of buying the First Edition to later upgrade to the OPUS 1, I am not sure. But this is best left to another thread. here I just want to collect a census of the number of people proportionate to this board in terms of percentage that would like to see an VIP option on the OPUS 1 since it absolutely contains samples already owned by First Edition users. it's really quite obvious but for some reason the VSL team seems to be requiring some "reason" to be fair. So I want to give it to them in the form of concensus.

    Evan Evans

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    @JohnA said:


    I'd rather spend the extra to get the PRO Edition - more comprehensive coverage of the additional instruments makes the difference for me.
    Thanks john.

    But might you say Yes so that others could have the option? Maybe I wasn't clear about that in the original. We're just asking for the option. We're not twisting your arm and making you choose between a VIP for Pro and VIP for OPUS 1.

    just thought I'd clarify that.

    Evan Evans

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    @Fred Story said:


    When I bought first Edition, I understood clearly what I was getting for the price, and that as a VIP member, I had an upgrade path to the Pro Edition and Symphonic Cube. That was the promise made to me by VSL, and they're keeping it. Why should I expect them to include any NEW product they happen to introduce along the way?
    I see. That is a very valiant viewpoint. honorable.

    But what about the essence of the VIP program itself? It was designed to make sure that no person ever pays twice for the same samples. There are overlapping samples in OPUS 1. What happens if a first edition owner buys OPUS 1 (which is highly possible since it's much cheaper than PRO and still retains many of the same instruments for half price)? They just payed $4500 and have quite a few duplicate samples they just payed for. Do you see our point on this?

    Evan Evans

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    @evanevans said:

    Maybe I wasn't clear about that in the original. We're just asking for the option. We're not twisting your arm and making you choose between a VIP for Pro and VIP for OPUS 1.

    You're right, I was confusing that. One would think that those who wish to buy Opus 1 should be able to do so using the VIP system. I suppose the VSL team didn't anticipate the demand for it...?

  • Evan,

    Like Herb's vote on bass clarinet vs. contra bassoon on the free update DVD, I find it interesting that you're lobbying others to your point of view when they don't agree.

    My point of view is obviously different from yours. You see, I have employees. I have substantial overhead. We operate in a very competitive marketplace. Therefore I've had to spend a lot of time over the years learning about business in addition to the time spent honing my craft. Herb has employees. He has overhead. He operates in a very competitive marketplace. I can relate to Herb as a businessman as well as an artist. (We all have a PROFOUND appreciation for what he's accomplished as an artist.)

    My First Edition purchase was a business decision. It was based on my evaluation of the quality of the product, and partially on VSL's agreement on a specific upgrade path. It's worth what I paid for it, and they're keeping their agreement. It's as simple as that.

    I understand you holding them to their "you'll never pay for a sample twice" promise. But I want VSL to be creating amazing new tools for us next year, and the year after that. To do that, they have to make money. How are they going to make money if we as customers hold their feet to the fire demanding free or reduced-price updates every time they offer a new product?

    So I'm afraid I relate to Herb a little more on this one. Based on what I read in these forums, I see him continue to bend over backwards to please his customers, and they just keep demanding more and more. If I were in his shoes (and this is just ME talking), I'd be asking, "Geez, when is it enough?"

    Fred Story
    Concentrix Music and Sound Design

  • Nobody has yet explained what will be on Opus 1 that won't be included in the First Edition after the DVD upgrade. Sounds like people are just getting greedy.