This question goes to the heart of how you choose to work. (And where you are in the production chain).
From a pure Scoring perspective Sib and Fin offer far more depth and flexibility than any notation package built in to a DAW or Sequencer. Composers/Arrangers moving from the classic pen and paper to a DAW or classic Midi environment will probably find this a far easier step to take in the first instance.
Sib (and Finale & Encore) can be configured to form the front end of a classic Midi Set up. I know many composers choose to work this way – keeping at arms length from the Technology. I have set up several mini studios (composing and arranging suites) using Sib and a bank of samplers hard wired to a mixing desk.
These days, more and more composers/arrangers want to or need to get more involved with the production and they need to get to grips with the production tools and by far the most cost effective method is to go down the DAW route. The good news in that Sib and Finale can also front end these systems. And you can mix and match Sib/Fin with Giga/Logic/Cubase etc.
If you need produce the Score for publication or if your method of working is pen and paper then Sib/Fin are fine tools. However if you don’t need these then it is probably best to dive right in with a DAW/Sequencer.
From a pure Scoring perspective Sib and Fin offer far more depth and flexibility than any notation package built in to a DAW or Sequencer. Composers/Arrangers moving from the classic pen and paper to a DAW or classic Midi environment will probably find this a far easier step to take in the first instance.
Sib (and Finale & Encore) can be configured to form the front end of a classic Midi Set up. I know many composers choose to work this way – keeping at arms length from the Technology. I have set up several mini studios (composing and arranging suites) using Sib and a bank of samplers hard wired to a mixing desk.
These days, more and more composers/arrangers want to or need to get more involved with the production and they need to get to grips with the production tools and by far the most cost effective method is to go down the DAW route. The good news in that Sib and Finale can also front end these systems. And you can mix and match Sib/Fin with Giga/Logic/Cubase etc.
If you need produce the Score for publication or if your method of working is pen and paper then Sib/Fin are fine tools. However if you don’t need these then it is probably best to dive right in with a DAW/Sequencer.