@esperlad said:
A second harp will be made and included with the symphonic cube. This instrument will only conisist of multi-samples. The glissandi will not be duplicated.
Herb and I had talked about this earlier and I never expected him to re-record the glissandos. I just write for two harps to strengthen the sound or split parts when it's too enharmonic for one harp to play alone. I usually have them together (behind the 2nd violins by the flutes) or one on either side of the orchestra about the same depth, as I'm not fond of harps right up front.
Personally, if I could get *every* string sampled (Cb, C, C#, Db, D, D#, etc.) then I could construct my own harp from those samples. I don't know how many of each pluck were sampled, so this method would
A) Allow me to create one harp that has three different plucks of each note, so machinegune effect is lessened
B) If multiple plucks are recorded, then I can essentially have a harp that can have different sounding plucks, and differing glissandos manually made (i.e. just set my harp up ala Giagharp style)
C) Multiple samples, even if it's just two of the same pluck, would essentially give me three harps (or more if the first harp has multiple plucks)
These are just some thoughts, though I'll take a VSL choir (SATB at least) over a second harp anyday.