I wish purchase the vi cube but I wish receve from you a hand. I like to write nontonal music and much time i like to use some new instruments technique that aren't in VI cube. so how can I simulate it in a good way?surely not all the time I use this technique and VI cube is 80 -90% cover my need.so before purchase I wish have a hand, think you that VI cube will help me or for this kind of music it's not the right time? maybe i should wait for new sampled tecinique?
any of you have ever simulate an contemporary piece?
thank you
Hi Christian. I think, that a sample library will never fit perfectly the needs you will have with really contemporary music (whatever this is).
I work quite a while with the vsl library (and i love it) but when it comes to contemporary I always nee the articulation which is not included.
Maybe they will surprise us in the future with an amazing VI that includes all the strange articulations we can imagine, but until this point I think we will still need real musicians for this. And I think thats a good thing.
Best regards,