@Nick Batzdorf said:
External. That's the one I just got three weeks ago, and I've ordered an eSATA Expresscard that's coming shortly. My plan is to use it as a slave, although I'm going to use it for more than that since it has a lot of power (probably more than my G5).
Any FireWire interface will work.
That is SO COOL!! I didn't even know the Macbook Pro had that expansion card capability. Just getting kinda sick of loading up a lot of standalones one by one on my Intel Mac, thought I could maybe use this to take some of the load. (Though kudos again to you for having thought of the multiple standalones as a workaround.)
BTW I've been using the Profire - works well, easy to use. Can't really comment on latency since I have nothing to compare it to. Has a lot of ins and outs - I'll probably just route the Macbook Pro through the Profire as well.
Love to know how you fare with VI and the Macbook Pro.