@snsguy said:
I'm new to VSL and I need some help with the Solo Strings Library I just purchased. I'm wanting to get a sound of more then one violin, more like an ensemble and I'm wondering what's the best way to do that with solo strings? Any help is appreciated! [:D]
Hi I understand that you want to have 3 Violins which are playing unisono...
If you are a cubase4 user try the VST-Effect "Clone".
Another possibility:
1. Copy the midi track twice so that you have 3 identical miditracks.
2. transpose on midi-side one track +1 half tone, one track -1 half tone and one track you let as it is.
3. correct the faults (+1, -1) on the audio side (tune).
Each of the three violins play the melody with other samples this way - it sounds like 3 violins are playing...
If you are a new VI-Player: Have also a look at:
VI Tips and Tricks
Have fun with your new "treasure"
Beat Kaufmann
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/