I was thinking about getting a mac mini to run some of my Vienna instruments on to take the pressure of my main computer. I know there is Midi over Etherent to control the VI, but is there a good Audio over Ethernet so I do not have to run the audio out the mac mini and back into my mac?
I know that it is tought that maybe the Ethernet isn't fast enough, but then how come the muse recpetor can send midi and audio over ethernet fine? They use a protocol called uniwire, which only works for their recpetors. Is there anything like this for me to connect my mac mini to my mac pro to run Vienna?
I was thinking about getting a mac mini to run some of my Vienna instruments on to take the pressure of my main computer. I know there is Midi over Etherent to control the VI, but is there a good Audio over Ethernet so I do not have to run the audio out the mac mini and back into my mac?
I know that it is tought that maybe the Ethernet isn't fast enough, but then how come the muse recpetor can send midi and audio over ethernet fine? They use a protocol called uniwire, which only works for their recpetors. Is there anything like this for me to connect my mac mini to my mac pro to run Vienna?