You know, as a synth just purely for synth sounds, the K2000 is still a hot sounding keyboard, I mean it just fits into mixes so well. You can use it for so many things and it's just invaluable to have in a studio. If I had the money I would have one in the studio just to throw in a synth line now and then or whatever - it's really still a very good sounding keyboard in combination with other devices. They were way ahead of their time. The K2600 holds it's own as a controller, and the synth engine is of course the hugely suped up version of the K2000, so that's awesome, mostly the effects and some of the reverbs again were ahead of their time and so easily stand up to any software synthetic reverbs (not altiverb though), so that is fantastic for many production purposes, I stopped using mine because it did not have a good digital IO, it sounded awful, but the new add on seems to address that issue and makes the K2600 a viable hardware add on to Cubase as an effects unit (up to 4 X stereo sends), and with the modular processing plus effects through the live mode, since Cubase can detect the latency and everything, very cool.... Some of the reverbs on there are really fantastic I haven't heard better in software - again, not as good as altiverb for realism but for synthetic effects, really smooth long tails and excellent resolution.