In the SE articualtions info window it shows a list of instruments adjacent ot a list of articulations. my qurstion is: Are all listed articualtions available for all listed instruments (e.g. Flute has sustain, staccaco, etc) OR does a particular instrument have ONLY the articulation immediatly adjacent to it in hte articulations window e.g. Piccolo flute, only staccato; Alto slute, only legato; etc)?
Great to get this cleared up.
Thanks again,
In the SE articualtions info window it shows a list of instruments adjacent ot a list of articulations. my qurstion is: Are all listed articualtions available for all listed instruments (e.g. Flute has sustain, staccaco, etc) OR does a particular instrument have ONLY the articulation immediatly adjacent to it in hte articulations window e.g. Piccolo flute, only staccato; Alto slute, only legato; etc)?
Great to get this cleared up.
Thanks again,