Hello, I have a suggestion to VSL team,
Since the special edition designed mainly for new users to "try out" the interface and the sounds so VSL should give special edition users some credit for future extended library purchase. Says, 50$ is fair enough and makes everybody happy...or consider that credit is like pay a fee for SE users by "leasing" users precious HD space [[:)]] [because if one buy another library, they will have dublicate samples in the HD]
As for myself,
I have Full solo Violin, Chamber Orch, App Strings, Concert guitar and SE [so I have a LOTS of dublicate samples laying around in my hard drive]
After playing with SE, I really wants to buy full SAX, WOODWINDS
But, since there are no discount so I really hesitate to buy and thinking that SE is enough. Really, if you give me 50$ credit toward extended library for next purchase, I'll not think twice and I believe that's fair [I am not in position to say fair or unfair but I just say it anyway] and I feel like VSL treat me right.
Please consider my suggestion! if you do, at least, I'll pay another 2-3K for Sax and 2 woodwinds right there and what do you have lost? 100-150$ max [[:)]]
Few hundred dollards are not a big deal to me or others who spend $$$ for VSL, but I feel good and thinking that being treat fairly!
Best regards
Since the special edition designed mainly for new users to "try out" the interface and the sounds so VSL should give special edition users some credit for future extended library purchase. Says, 50$ is fair enough and makes everybody happy...or consider that credit is like pay a fee for SE users by "leasing" users precious HD space [[:)]] [because if one buy another library, they will have dublicate samples in the HD]
As for myself,
I have Full solo Violin, Chamber Orch, App Strings, Concert guitar and SE [so I have a LOTS of dublicate samples laying around in my hard drive]
After playing with SE, I really wants to buy full SAX, WOODWINDS
But, since there are no discount so I really hesitate to buy and thinking that SE is enough. Really, if you give me 50$ credit toward extended library for next purchase, I'll not think twice and I believe that's fair [I am not in position to say fair or unfair but I just say it anyway] and I feel like VSL treat me right.
Please consider my suggestion! if you do, at least, I'll pay another 2-3K for Sax and 2 woodwinds right there and what do you have lost? 100-150$ max [[:)]]
Few hundred dollards are not a big deal to me or others who spend $$$ for VSL, but I feel good and thinking that being treat fairly!
Best regards