@dmacintyre said:
Hi Colin,
I'm comparing them to my EWQLSO Platinum (close recorded samples). I'd say my preference is 70% for the EWQLSO samples and 30% for the Vienna samples (I prefer the harp, sax and guitar in Vienna for example). I think it might be the number of velocities sampled per articulation or something. I feel the strings in particular are very rough sounding at the lightest velocities in Vienna. Anyway, I'm stuck with my purchase so I'll have plenty of time to investigate further!
Hi David,
I'm David too. I also own EWQLSO Gold Pro XP and HALion SO. My initial reaction to Vienna SE was similar to yours....until I began editing a little. With very little effort, changing the ADSR (especially the release and sustain) on some samples gives them that release-sample feel. Honestly, I mainly bought Vienna SE for the beautiful legato patches which no other library comes close too (Qlegato in EWQLSO for the most part is not good to my ears).
I've written a few pieces only using Vienna SE and I've gotten very good comments about the realism. By comparison, I find Gold Pro XP too wet at times, especially if the piece I'm writing is a chamber setting. I love how intimate Vienna SE sounds.
As another poster mentioned, you should sit down and tweak SE a bit here and there. I think you'll be pretty impressed with the results. I have been!
-David C