OK I understand that but why the HARD mac crash reboot? Why not a soft reboot.
On ilok, it's just a simple replug. No reboot, no crash, no hold the pwr button and wait for tone.
What I'm saying is that something at the very core level is killed in mac requiring this maneuver and if you just do a soft reboot the Mac crashes on that reboot attempt withe the placard of death. This is only on the VSL key.
Again, only with the hold pwr button and tone will os x come back. Mac WILL NOT BOOT again unless this is done.
The placard from syncrosoft says nothing about logoff BTW.
It just says replug and try again.
Don't you think that's a bit over the top?
On ilok, it's just a simple replug. No reboot, no crash, no hold the pwr button and wait for tone.
What I'm saying is that something at the very core level is killed in mac requiring this maneuver and if you just do a soft reboot the Mac crashes on that reboot attempt withe the placard of death. This is only on the VSL key.
Again, only with the hold pwr button and tone will os x come back. Mac WILL NOT BOOT again unless this is done.
The placard from syncrosoft says nothing about logoff BTW.
It just says replug and try again.
Don't you think that's a bit over the top?