I read the VSL team argument: yes, but the VIs are not designed to be multi timbral and never will be. Makes sense to me, but they could remain perfectly 1 timbral (please help me - what's the correct term for this? mono timbral?), but still allow to select the midi channel and an audio output channel - just one per instance.
b) we find a way to let each copy of the VIS to have it's own preference file. I vaguely remember that there once was a preference manager app that allowed one to choose between several pref files for one app - might have been in OS9.
I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I'm not certain quite "how" some of this might be accomplished, but I recognize that something along these lines would be incredibly handy, especially the MIDI routing. The needs of so many different users vary greatly and play against what the VSL Team deems necessary (or unnecessary, as the case may be).
I would think at the very least that OSX's networking could be improved. Having these features right in Core MIDI is a great idea, but OSX (or Leopard?) networking could go at least as far as MOL does, and there's no excuse for having to twiddle with complex setups with every session. Presently, there are too many little thing$ that play against the inherent functions of the DAW just to make it work, and I think that it could be easier somehow-- but how?