JWL, will you be buying this? I'm a bit sobered by the price. I thought it might weigh in at the normal Apple high-end model price of about 3,300 dollars. And I wouldn't be surprised if it drops to this by the end of the year.
Also, as that time elapses, Logic 8 "whatever it's called" will likely be in view, Leopard will clarify the memory usage, and the hardware around the cores may improve to make more available the power we're getting in real-world terms.
I'd risk missing these half-year improvements and buy now, had the octo premiered at 3,200. 4,000 has me tentative. We have three required upgrades here: the chips, the PCI e card, and the memory. This computer would cost a VSL user at least 6,000 dollars. (Currently, Crucial's price on 4 GB of Power Mac RAM is 765.99, and I'm assuming we'd want 9 GB total.)
What say you?
Also, if Christian might contribute, I'd like to hear his thoughts on putting an eight core configuration in a computer designed for four or less cores. As VSL users, where's the hidden danger, the "gotcha's"?
Also, as that time elapses, Logic 8 "whatever it's called" will likely be in view, Leopard will clarify the memory usage, and the hardware around the cores may improve to make more available the power we're getting in real-world terms.
I'd risk missing these half-year improvements and buy now, had the octo premiered at 3,200. 4,000 has me tentative. We have three required upgrades here: the chips, the PCI e card, and the memory. This computer would cost a VSL user at least 6,000 dollars. (Currently, Crucial's price on 4 GB of Power Mac RAM is 765.99, and I'm assuming we'd want 9 GB total.)
What say you?
Also, if Christian might contribute, I'd like to hear his thoughts on putting an eight core configuration in a computer designed for four or less cores. As VSL users, where's the hidden danger, the "gotcha's"?