<<However, I will say that Hetoryn has commented about his new mac on his pod casts, and he says he can run about 32 tracks pretty comfortably, and it's not even taking up most of the processing power.>>
32 tracks of... what? Is that 32 instantiations of VI?
I'm in the odd position of using my G5 as my master computer and am using my dual 3.0 Intel Mac with 9GB of RAM (2 4s, 2 512s) as a slave for Vienna. I can try to be more exact, but I've loaded DP on the slave Mac (as a standalone) with 17 instances of VI, plus I have 6 standalones open on the slave (with plenty of room for more standalones). I've gotten VSL server up to about 3.4 GB, after which it crashes if I try to load more.
I did a quick 8-bar test sequence with lots of notes and controller moves. Even with my DP "work percentage" at 99% and latency on my Profire Lightbridge at 256 samples, the processor usage meter is slammed in the red the whole time, but I'm not hearing problems (again, this is with DP as just a plug-in host, and Pro Tools as my sequencer from my G5). That said, I'm still really in set-up mode, haven't done serious "field testing" yet. I may also try deactivating release samples from at least some of the VIs.
JWL - Hope this helps - would also love to hear about the experience of others.
32 tracks of... what? Is that 32 instantiations of VI?
I'm in the odd position of using my G5 as my master computer and am using my dual 3.0 Intel Mac with 9GB of RAM (2 4s, 2 512s) as a slave for Vienna. I can try to be more exact, but I've loaded DP on the slave Mac (as a standalone) with 17 instances of VI, plus I have 6 standalones open on the slave (with plenty of room for more standalones). I've gotten VSL server up to about 3.4 GB, after which it crashes if I try to load more.
I did a quick 8-bar test sequence with lots of notes and controller moves. Even with my DP "work percentage" at 99% and latency on my Profire Lightbridge at 256 samples, the processor usage meter is slammed in the red the whole time, but I'm not hearing problems (again, this is with DP as just a plug-in host, and Pro Tools as my sequencer from my G5). That said, I'm still really in set-up mode, haven't done serious "field testing" yet. I may also try deactivating release samples from at least some of the VIs.
JWL - Hope this helps - would also love to hear about the experience of others.