I have a machine that recently had to have it's system drive reformatted. My VI's are on a second drive that is intact. How do I get my instruments set up again? I don't even know where to start. Please help.
Drive reformat---can't get VI working again
Have you downloaded and reinstalled the Vienna Instruments software and downloaded the Syncrosoft license control center? If so, then open the Vienna Instruments Directory Manager and determine if it shows your libraries. If it does and you still can't get them to load, then, using VI Directory Manager, select the folders that are shown in the Directory Manager window and click the Remove button, then click the Add Folder button and add the folders back into the window. Also use Apple's Disk Utility to repair permissions on the startup drive and, if you have a copy of Alsoft's DiskWarrior, you might try rebuilding the directory on the startup disk - - after taking the steps outlined above.
I did download and install the VI software and the Syncrosoft liscense control center. I also removed the the folders from the Directory Manager and then added new ones. I am on a WinXP machine by the way(should have gotten a Mac!!). When I launch VI through Sonar it says that no liscenses are installed. When I launch the Syncrosoft liscense control center they are all there on the key.
Hi andrewsf,
which version of the Syncrosoft LCC and the Vienna Instruments are you using?
Do the Vienna instruments open in standalone mode?
There is a detailed video on registration and installation to be found here, if you want to check the installation steps.
If I understand you correctly, you still have the content installed on a seperate harddrive, right?
The more info you can give us, the better we can help you [:)]
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
I downloaded the latest versions of both the Syncrosoft LCC and the Vienna Instruments. I cannot open the instruments in stand alone mode either. The instruments are still installed on the other drive in the machine. All of the liscenses show up on the key. I've even tried installing the instruments again to another location and get an error saying that the required liscenses are not present. Is there any additional info that I have left out that would be helpful? Thanks.
Andrew Foust
I've even tried installing the instruments again to another location and get an error saying that the required liscenses are not present.
good starting point ... so something is preventing that VI can read the licenses.
do you have any anti-virus or firewall applications running (eg. zone alarm is known to block even local TCP/IP calls which are needed)? if yes configure any firewall to allow local calls or open port 6197
how many keys do you have attached - directly or on a USB hub (if the latter which USB versions on the compter and the HUB, is it a powerded HUB, what else is connected via USB)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.