I'm going to play devil's advocate here, and suggest shorter bounces. Even with my entirely modest travel library whilst studying here in Moscow, there are occasions when Logic doesn't bounce correctly, with wrong articulations. That's to do with (for me) CPU and RAM resource and the vagaries of MIDI, and the speed or lack of it within my system. (I'm still waiting for someone to produce an ethernet midi controller keyboard, lol)
It's been a working practise of mine since the days of Cbase 3.5 (never again, hehe) to write and bounce, or record to audio, in short chunks. I've discovered this gives one more control over the entire process, and actually frees up an opportunity to manipulate the 'feel' of an orchestral work to a greater and finer degree. (e.g., Rubato, with any modest time and pitch software, either built in or standalone.)
I'm unconvinced that VSL's player is responsible for incorrect bouncing, and one only has to search other fora, and sources of Logic query to understand that Logic isn't perfect at freezing and bouncing by some degree. This program does have issues.
Everyone has their own workflow and, dsstudio, this method may be unsuitable for you. But if you were to examine objectively the process, and determine the point at which you find an issue, you may discover the fault lies within the DAW, or harware capability.
I wish you success, whatever you may discover,