Am i missing something...
according to the VI stress tests ( ) you can run 11 instances of VI with just 12 secs of Latency and the CPU at 85% on an iMac G5.
I recently set up a slave 1.25GHz G4 powermac with 2GB RAM running orchestral strings I. I tested it running in Cubase and plogue bidule.
Im loading two patches...staccato Vls and Sus Violins. (Im nowhere near the RAM limit)
I can play slow single notes fine, but any fast runs or multi voice chords cause pops and clicks (lots of them).
These pops and clicks usually start at about 30-40% CPU.
is it at all practical to be running VI with the CPU at 85% as indicated in the stress tests? or am i doing something wrong to be having pops and clicks at 30% CPU?
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I mentioned I tested VI in Cubase and plogue bidule. I actually had more success (sort of) using Cubase. In Cubase i was able to load up serveral Violin and Viola articulations in 2 instances and have them play back with little or no pops and clicks.....
The catch?
I had to set the buffer setting so high that my latency was 210ms!
In Bidule it seems that no matter how high I set the Buffer, the pops and clicks dont go away and the latency doesnt noticeably increase. Any ideas why? Also does "FFT" do anything when using bidule?
Thanks in advance for any help...
i fell backwards into a job setting up a VI rig for a music production house i work for. I've been trying to get this thing going for a few weeks. We have extra G4s lying around so we thought we could use them as slaves....but if they cant even play back a couple of patches in one instance of VI...i think we'll have to shell out for new minis (and Vienna should probably change their "system requirements" [*-)] )
according to the VI stress tests ( ) you can run 11 instances of VI with just 12 secs of Latency and the CPU at 85% on an iMac G5.
I recently set up a slave 1.25GHz G4 powermac with 2GB RAM running orchestral strings I. I tested it running in Cubase and plogue bidule.
Im loading two patches...staccato Vls and Sus Violins. (Im nowhere near the RAM limit)
I can play slow single notes fine, but any fast runs or multi voice chords cause pops and clicks (lots of them).
These pops and clicks usually start at about 30-40% CPU.
is it at all practical to be running VI with the CPU at 85% as indicated in the stress tests? or am i doing something wrong to be having pops and clicks at 30% CPU?
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I mentioned I tested VI in Cubase and plogue bidule. I actually had more success (sort of) using Cubase. In Cubase i was able to load up serveral Violin and Viola articulations in 2 instances and have them play back with little or no pops and clicks.....
The catch?
I had to set the buffer setting so high that my latency was 210ms!
In Bidule it seems that no matter how high I set the Buffer, the pops and clicks dont go away and the latency doesnt noticeably increase. Any ideas why? Also does "FFT" do anything when using bidule?
Thanks in advance for any help...
i fell backwards into a job setting up a VI rig for a music production house i work for. I've been trying to get this thing going for a few weeks. We have extra G4s lying around so we thought we could use them as slaves....but if they cant even play back a couple of patches in one instance of VI...i think we'll have to shell out for new minis (and Vienna should probably change their "system requirements" [*-)] )