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  • 10.4.9.......

    Is out ....any brave ?

  • Anton:

    There was the fact Logic's AUeval application apparently felt called upon to recheck the Vienna Insruments and Altiverb software for compatablity issues. And then that AU Eval crashed during its unbidden attempt - - but miraculously recovered without human intervention. Since then no problems. so:

    everything seems fine
    with 10.4.9

    Good luck,
    the brave and the foolish


  • the list of fixes is impressive ....
    the less brave user checks permissions and creates an image before updating [;)]

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian:

    I ran permissions repair before and after installing the 10.4.9 update. This did not prevent the crash I mentioned. Oddly enough, Disk Utility repairs exactly the same permissions every time I run it, even if nothing has happened between running it, rebooting the computer and running it again. This was a bug in one of the earlier incarnations of OS 10.4 but reappeared in 10.4.8 and is still present in 10.4.9 (if it is a bug and not a symptom of imminent disaster). It seems to have appeared (or at least I first noticed it) after installation of Altiverb 6.0.5 - - but I have no idea if there is any relationship there. In any case, to prevent total disaster - - and accompanying work and psychological meltdown phenomena - - I do always maintain recently updated clones of my startup drive and store 2 of the three clones offsite at any given time.

  • cm, your link only lists the Security fixes. The enhancements and bug fixes are listed here:

  • apologies, from my point of view always the security fixes are the most important ones [;)]
    ... occupational disease ... thx for the additional link

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Many thanks,
    Hi stevesong are you using Altiverb 6.0.5 under Logic ? Is working ?

  • pretty good. Just AU rescan on Logic startup, all good.

  • Anton:

    I am running Altiverb 6.0.5 with Logic 7.2.3. In my experience Altiverb 6 sounds gorgeous but is very buggy. Main symptom is that, if the Altiverb 6 GUI has been opened or was open during the session, Logic freezes immediately after a bounce - -. The workaround is to all Altiverb tweaking prior to the bounce
    2 close the Altiverb 6 GUI
    3. save the file
    4.quit Logic
    5.restart Logic
    6. bounce.

    Following this procedure usually - -but not always- - avoids the crash. No such problems ever with Altiverb 5. My advice: if possible stick with Altiverb 5 until they have sorted out this and other bugs in Altiverb 6 - - which they are promising to do. Also, in my opinion, the changes to the GUI in Altiverb 6 are not an improvement - - the main advantage of Altiverb 6 seems to be the ability to write automation directly to all parameters. Check the Altiverb forums for news of any bug-fixing update to Altiverb 6.

  • Hi Stevesong,
    i know about AV 6 problems and still using 5.
    That's because i ask for.
    Hope they solve the problem at soon.

  • For the record:
    I joined the brave and mentally unstable and upgraded to 10.4.9 [[;)]]
    When I checked Vienna Instruments, most of my library was missing. Luckily, I have read a few tricks on these forums, so I deleted everything from Directory Manager and started from zero.

    After doing doing this 3 times and re-launching Logic 5 times, I had all my libraries back. [[:|]] whew!

    Folks at LUG have reported that certain plugins don't show up, but they can obviously be forced into service with AU Val.

    So far so good......

  • I installed the update yesterday after a permissions repair. Works fine here (iMac G5, 1.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM)! No "critical incidents" so far. Logic did a AU rescan on startup, but that´s it.



  • I have installed on my 3 G5 and no problem apart rescanning AU.

  • ....anyway AV 6.0.6 is out....seems fixed the Logic bounce problems....

  • Hi everyone.. ive just 3 weeks ago got the cube & a few extended bits.. im half way through my first movie score & i was having a ball up until an hour ago when i installed the 10.4.9 along with the VSL player update 1.11...

    since then when i try to load vsl as stand alone or within my project ( motu DP user ) i get a message " Custom data folder is inaccessable. Please use Directory Manager to specify a new custom data folder" please go to manager & select a new one" error message..

    ive done this, a few times.. still wont have it.. i know its a proper new-bee question [:O]ops: but im sweating here now i cant get the project up , g5 dual 2.5 / 3 gig ram

    There was me hoping to do a big "Hello" post as well.. [8-)]

    Anywayzzz.. any help would be really appreciated.. & Hello everyone, i look forward to learning & contributing to the life changer that is VSL ( & its forum ) [:D]

    Regards in Music
    Love in Life

    Marc Mitchell

  • to marcmitchell:
    Make sure the Custom folder that you specify is not locked and that the permissions for that folder are set to ~you~ and also unlocked. Do this in the <Get info> window

    Regards - Colin (and welcome to this wonderful VSL community)

    PS : NEVER do software or system upgrades in the middle of a movie score or any job at all. You can be certain that something will go wrong....

  • Thanks Colin, you star... all working fine now [:D] & thanks for the welcome
