Hello to all the sample-friends of the world
I’ve just started a new tutorial series „String Arrangements“.
For all of those people who are new composers, arrangers, sample musicians and sample users I will show you in a first step (5 parts) how you can appoint strings in different ways.
The two varieties „string-floor“(chords) and "melody" we know. Let’s take the melody. You can play it with cellos, violas, in the low register, in a middle range, cellos together with violins, together with harmonies – harmonies above /below the melody, with ensembles or with solo instruments… About all those things and more you will be able to read, see and listen to in the new tutorials.
Unfortunately I’m still writing them, but part1 and part2 I have finished.
Every part will be divided in two sections > 1. Arrangement Section/ 2. Technical Section.
So the 2nd half of the tutorial parts will focus technical aspects of the particular learning piece.
So you will also get some more VI-tricks and audio-handling tricks connected with instruments, the mix and so on.
If you are interested, then you are invited to visit
Yet again
For really newcomers I have a lot of other tutorials for you, which can be an additional
help to the nice video- and other tutorials of VSL
You will find all of them with the link:
Have fun, a nice weekend and happy ideas
Beat Kaufmann
I’ve just started a new tutorial series „String Arrangements“.
For all of those people who are new composers, arrangers, sample musicians and sample users I will show you in a first step (5 parts) how you can appoint strings in different ways.
The two varieties „string-floor“(chords) and "melody" we know. Let’s take the melody. You can play it with cellos, violas, in the low register, in a middle range, cellos together with violins, together with harmonies – harmonies above /below the melody, with ensembles or with solo instruments… About all those things and more you will be able to read, see and listen to in the new tutorials.
Unfortunately I’m still writing them, but part1 and part2 I have finished.
Every part will be divided in two sections > 1. Arrangement Section/ 2. Technical Section.
So the 2nd half of the tutorial parts will focus technical aspects of the particular learning piece.
So you will also get some more VI-tricks and audio-handling tricks connected with instruments, the mix and so on.
If you are interested, then you are invited to visit
Yet again
For really newcomers I have a lot of other tutorials for you, which can be an additional
help to the nice video- and other tutorials of VSL
You will find all of them with the link:
Have fun, a nice weekend and happy ideas
Beat Kaufmann
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/