To the detractors: You have it all wrong. Where is your class and ettiquite!? Are we gentlemen or just savages? Do you have vocabulary enough to articulate a more polite critisism. Did you pay for this demo!?
Guy is a hard working and inspirational composer and deserves at the very least the common decency and respect of any other person. In addition he is putting his art out there publicly and i know he works very hard on every demo.
In regards to the mixing of this demo, it is nothing more than a different sound, and if you have narrowed your ears to the point of only hearing one sound as being right then you are not hearing the full picture! If you have ever listened to classical music recordings of the last 50 years and film music you will have heard this sound that Guy has attempted to employ, quite well in fact. The take 5 demo I don't know how you thought it was fit to bring in a critisism of that demo into this thread but I think most would disagree that he did a really splendid job on that demo in particular and the sax sound was unique and interesting.
But that's not the point, you have a right to your opinion, and Guy doesn't need defending, his track record speaks for itself.
What has prompted me to post rather is that I don't see why people think that a bulletin board like is any different than a real public wall or poster where you just cannot go and put any rubbish up on the wall and expect that it's ok because you have the saftey of relative annonimity. (Excuse my spelling I'm pretty busy). In any real setting you might hold your tongue with the tone, implications and strength of your language - quite unnecessarily over the top and overtly insulting without relative cause - because you would probably be concerned that someone, if not Guy, would smack you on the nose for talking like that to their face about their hard work. Well that's one thing, but change the circumstances - would you say that to a truck driver delivering your package "That truck driving delivery was so rubbish I almost vomited on the box" - no you would not, He might smack you on the face. What about your plumber or electrician. People generallyy don't talk like that to each others face - why because it's disgraceful that's why we know such people as loonatics and ranters and we stay AWAY from them in real life.
Guy is an artist, making a demo, if you don't like it, I'm sure he would appreciate hearing your comments in private, I know we've had discussions where I've critised something he was working on constructively, or lent my opinion and he's always listened and I know he appreciates all feedback is my point. If you feel so inclined to publicly address the matter for all to hear, then yes, you have the right to do so, in a human manner, by using words that you would use to a persons face, just, with a little class, a little common respect and decency - some manners. If you really do talk like that to people when you don't approve of something with in your opinion, too much reverb, then you really don't deserve to have the privaledge of posting on this board. If that sounds high handed that's probably because you're dwelling too low right now and you need to raise you standards as a person and consider the consequences of your words and moreover, your written words, posted publicly on the internet in a very insulting post. I don't see there was any need or justification of posting like that, and really you could have presented your opinion along with common respect and it would have been no less effective, but a lot less disrespectful to a fellow artist.
Guy is a hard working and inspirational composer and deserves at the very least the common decency and respect of any other person. In addition he is putting his art out there publicly and i know he works very hard on every demo.
In regards to the mixing of this demo, it is nothing more than a different sound, and if you have narrowed your ears to the point of only hearing one sound as being right then you are not hearing the full picture! If you have ever listened to classical music recordings of the last 50 years and film music you will have heard this sound that Guy has attempted to employ, quite well in fact. The take 5 demo I don't know how you thought it was fit to bring in a critisism of that demo into this thread but I think most would disagree that he did a really splendid job on that demo in particular and the sax sound was unique and interesting.
But that's not the point, you have a right to your opinion, and Guy doesn't need defending, his track record speaks for itself.
What has prompted me to post rather is that I don't see why people think that a bulletin board like is any different than a real public wall or poster where you just cannot go and put any rubbish up on the wall and expect that it's ok because you have the saftey of relative annonimity. (Excuse my spelling I'm pretty busy). In any real setting you might hold your tongue with the tone, implications and strength of your language - quite unnecessarily over the top and overtly insulting without relative cause - because you would probably be concerned that someone, if not Guy, would smack you on the nose for talking like that to their face about their hard work. Well that's one thing, but change the circumstances - would you say that to a truck driver delivering your package "That truck driving delivery was so rubbish I almost vomited on the box" - no you would not, He might smack you on the face. What about your plumber or electrician. People generallyy don't talk like that to each others face - why because it's disgraceful that's why we know such people as loonatics and ranters and we stay AWAY from them in real life.
Guy is an artist, making a demo, if you don't like it, I'm sure he would appreciate hearing your comments in private, I know we've had discussions where I've critised something he was working on constructively, or lent my opinion and he's always listened and I know he appreciates all feedback is my point. If you feel so inclined to publicly address the matter for all to hear, then yes, you have the right to do so, in a human manner, by using words that you would use to a persons face, just, with a little class, a little common respect and decency - some manners. If you really do talk like that to people when you don't approve of something with in your opinion, too much reverb, then you really don't deserve to have the privaledge of posting on this board. If that sounds high handed that's probably because you're dwelling too low right now and you need to raise you standards as a person and consider the consequences of your words and moreover, your written words, posted publicly on the internet in a very insulting post. I don't see there was any need or justification of posting like that, and really you could have presented your opinion along with common respect and it would have been no less effective, but a lot less disrespectful to a fellow artist.