I think, if I remember correctly, that Logic has an au manager that scans for an au. Poke around and look for something like that. Its been awhile since I used Logic. Sorry if I'm wrong or remember only a fantasy!
Hello again - I use Vienna Instruments on PC (not Mac) so unfortunately don't know exactly how Logic finds and recognises third party plug-ins. But I'm sure the Vienna team will help you with this!
>it seems everything I try to load into the esx24, besides the prebuilt in instruments, they are al greyed out.
As mentioned earlier, Vienna Instruments don't run inside the EXS24 sampler, they're sample-playing instruments in their own right.
I have Logic Pro and ther you find the au manager in the following menu:
Logic>preferences>Start Logic Au Manager
Good luck
Thanks. I found the AU manager, when I first opened it, it showedVienna string, unselected and greyed out as one of the audio instruments, so I hit reset and rescan, opened it again, then it disappeared. Can someone from the VSL tech group help out w/this. Logic is running fine otherwise, and I can use the standalone just fine too. Do I have to have the standalone open at the same time I use logic? Do I have to do anything w/ the directory manager?
Sorry for all the questions, everythings running besides this
Hi Daniel, sorry to hear you're still having a problem getting the Vienna Instrument running with Logic.
>Do I have to have the standalone open at the same time I use logic?
>Do I have to do anything w/ the directory manager?
No, that just takes care of the VI finding its patches. If you can access all the patches in standalone mode, it should be no different when run under Logic.
What you're experiencing is an installation problem which I hope VSL will help you with.
My friend says, "Can you ask him to run AU manager and just click on the box next to the greyed-out Vienna strings (in the Use column) and see what comes up in the data box (maybe he could screenshot the results?)
While we're working through this I suggest you also e-mail VSL's tech department (support@vsl.co.at) and explain the problem if you haven't done so already. It might / should get you a quicker answer!
@Dbrown22 said:
Thanks Conquer. I use Logic express 7.2 on Mac 10.4 OSX, running on a 500 mhz PowerMac G4. I'm still waiting for a tech from VSL to get back to me.
We are already in contact with you via mail, but you didn´t answer the questions yet:
1) which version of OS 10.4 you have installed (OS 10.4.x)?
2) which Audio Hardware and drivers you´re using now?
3) did you try to reinstall the Vienna Instruments Software version 1.10?
4) do you have the latest Syncrosoft License Control Center installed?
5) can you open the standalone interface?
It is recommendable to repair permissions on your system drive (with disk utility). Then try what "Conquer" has suggested already "run AU manager and just click on the box <rescan> next to the greyed-out Vienna strings". A window called <Audio Unit validation Result> will appear and when rescan is finished it should say <AU VALIDATION SUCCEEDED>.
Then close Logic and open it again - now the plug-in should appear.
Besides I have to say that a G4 500 MHz doesn´t even meet the minimum requirements for Vienna Instruments. [:(]
Best regards,
@Conquer said:
>Besides I have to say that a G4 500 MHz doesn´t even meet the minimum requirements for Vienna Instruments.
As Daniel has successfully run the Vienna Instrument in standalone mode, one would hope he doesn't have to run out and buy new hardware just yet!
Whenever Mr. Brown wants to open a 2nd or 3rd instance of Vienna Instruments this might cause a crash because CPU load is too heavy for a G4/500. In case he doesn´t need more than one instance of VI it might work well but its not reliable.
ok so as I mentioned before, I run 10.4 Tiger OSX. I have upgraded to 1.5 GB or Ramm, the Vienna Instruments are running on an external Firewire drive (320 GB) as recommended by VSL. I do have the latest software installer 1.10 and the latest syncrosoft license as per their website. The standalone works fine, it recognizes my motu fastlane usb midi interface. I'm only getting audio out of the little built in speakers on my mac, but have recently ordered a Fast Track M-Audio usb Audio interface to take care of that. The problem is that its just not seeing the strings within Logic. I see AUInstrments/AUgenerators, then under Logic I see EX24 sample player, garageband, etc. Just as a test, I open up the AUaudiofileplayer, click on the + button, I find vienna stings on the external drive, but they're all greyed out.
Please find and delete the file ViennaInstruments.component from HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components, reboot your computer and run the Vienna Instruments Software Installer once more. (By the way, the new version 1.11 is available for download, so you might want to try this one!)
Then please launch Logic Express - during startup of the application, the AU Manager scans through all AU plug-ins installed and validates them if possible.
If the Vienna Instruments still does not show in the plug-in list in Logic, please launch the AU Manager and check the little box to the left of the VSL entry (it should be in the list again!) and click ok to go back to Logic.
Please let us know wether you can open an instance of the Vienna Instruments now!
Best, Marnix
PS: I just tried the Vienna Instruments in Logic Express 7.01 on my old 12" G4 Powerbook 867 MHz and they were recognized without problems... [[:|]]