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  • Woodwinds memory usage

    How much memory does it take to load just one legato instrument in Woodwinds I, for example the oboe?

    I'm wondering if I should get Woodwinds I + II, but I am not sure if I will have enough memory to use it properly. I have a 3,5 year old P4 with 1,5 GB of RAM.

    On my shopping list is also SI Strings and Brass in K2.

    I'd like to have 3-4 woodwind instruments loaded at all times, but if I'll need a new computer to do that, I may have to pass on VSL Woodwinds and find something that works with K2.

    My experience from Kirk Hunter SO Emerald K2 is that I can run everything I need with K2 because of the DFD-option. However VI has nothing similar, it only has the RAM-save which is not so useful to me in comparison, I think.



  • U are misunderstanding one thing: Like the DFD (streaming) option in Kontakt. VI is also a streaming plugin. The only thing u load into RAm is the start of all the samples in the patch u load. Same goes for Kontakt if u look it up btw. Reason why it uses so much RAM is because it's sample-amount and complexity is much bigger than Kirk Hunters library.

    Anyway, I'm not in the studio but if memory serves me correct the Oboe Legato takes up around 80-90Mbs of ram. Around the same for the other WW instruments.

    Looking at your rig, you will most likely have CPU problems before u get into RAM problems. [[;)]]

  • Vagn, that sounds great, thanks!


  • In the Woodwind manual there's an approximation of memory usage for each preset, matrix or preset. Here's a couple of examples:

    Patch Ob2_perf_legato level 1: 979 samples/61mb ram
    Matrix Ob2_perf_Universal level 2: 2165 samples/135 mb ram
    Preset Ob2_preset level 2: 7073 samples/442mb ram

    level 1 is std edition, level 2 is the extended edition of woodwinds II.

  • Bjarne, can I download the manual from somewhere?
    I'd like to take a look.


  • well - its in the user area which requires access. Hmn - maybe CM or someone will send you a copy?

    Anyway I added some examples in my previous post

  • Hi Henrik,

    haven't tested this with Woodwinds, but I'm doing string stuff quite often which also requires 3-4 VI instances. I have 2 GB RAM, and when I load basic setups for 4 instruments (legato, repetitions, several single note articulations) there's still headroom left. If I want to do detailed work on single tracks when the rough composition's done, I bounce the tracks and then work on one VI after the other using the other instruments' bounced tracks for reference.

    Kind regards,
    VSL manuals

  • Thanks, Bjarne, that's exactly the info I am looking for. If someone could send me the manual for Woodwinds I and II, I would be very happy.


  • oh - and another tip: Its straight forward to calculate the RAM usage.

    Each loaded sample requires 64 kb of buffer in RAM so:
    Number of samples x 64kb = RAM usage.

    So loading the entire Woodwinds I extended version will require:
    101,964 x 64kb = 6,2 Gb of RAM !!

    Fortunately you don't need to load it all up to get working [:D]

  • Hi David,

    Hm, it sounds like I should be able to work somewhat decently with Woodwinds on my machine then.


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    @Sapkiller said:

    oh - and another tip: Its straight forward to calculate the RAM usage.

    Each loaded sample requires 64 kb of buffer in RAM so:
    Number of samples x 64kb = RAM usage.

    So loading the entire Woodwinds I extended version will require:
    101,964 x 64kb = 6,2 Gb of RAM !!

    Fortunately you don't need to load it all up to get working [:D]

    Wait, wait, wait - what??? Where do you get that figure?

    According to my experience, if you load a 128MB instrument, it will use approximately 128MB of memory. You can see that in the Activity Monitor window on Mac Os X. Don't know about Windows, but it shouldn't be too much different..


  • You're both right ... 16 Samples take 1MB memory - and an instrument that requires 4 MB will not have more than 64 samples, etc.


  • Ok, then - it seems to me since we already know how much memory an articulation takes, it's very easy to know how many of them you can load [:)] ... no need for other type of calculation, isn't it?
