i like to angle for your attention to our Silent Stage Report number 1
Custom Preset offer:
You need a solution for what you want to achieve with a certain VI? post your request to silentstage@vsl.co.at - we'll provide you with a custom Preset and a description how to use it!
A cover version of "Here to Stay" by the American band Korn.
The instrumental parts are played entirely by Vienna Instruments.
we've had a lot of fun by producing this little movie and we hope you'll enjoy watching it.
all the best, michael and david
Custom Preset offer:
You need a solution for what you want to achieve with a certain VI? post your request to silentstage@vsl.co.at - we'll provide you with a custom Preset and a description how to use it!
A cover version of "Here to Stay" by the American band Korn.
The instrumental parts are played entirely by Vienna Instruments.
we've had a lot of fun by producing this little movie and we hope you'll enjoy watching it.
all the best, michael and david