Well, either way, I think it's fair to say that the industry would do well out of us consumers as a whole if it did certainly provide greater memory access for graphical, video and obviously music applications via whatever means works best. I don't see why there can't be multiple VSL servers controlled by a central administrative server that does not access the memory of the other independant apps, then we could have as many VSL servers running as necessary to utilise the amount of RAM in the machine. Then you could use 16Gb easily no problems. Of course I have no actual idea abou the technical implimentation of this but it seems to me that you could do it, after all, games do this: multiple servers controlled by a central server, only in this case, you have each server as a memory access device which accesses 1.2 Gigs RAM, not more, and once it is full it starts off handling memory holding to the next server (or rather than admin server does that).
(edit) just to add of course the host app (logic etc) would interface with the memory via the admin server. The admin server would be like a router between the memory holding servers and the host. Might add some latency but on a fast machine, wouldn't matter. On a quad intel, with 16gigs of ram the problem is ram access not cpu anyway, you could just run your system on a lower buffer setting -seems worth it to be able to access all that ram.
(edit) just to add of course the host app (logic etc) would interface with the memory via the admin server. The admin server would be like a router between the memory holding servers and the host. Might add some latency but on a fast machine, wouldn't matter. On a quad intel, with 16gigs of ram the problem is ram access not cpu anyway, you could just run your system on a lower buffer setting -seems worth it to be able to access all that ram.