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  • equipment needed to run vienna pro edition

    Hi all, I don't know a lot about the Vienna Symphonic Library, I am planning to upgrade my little home studio in the coming months and I'm going to get the Vienna Pro Edition Library, I would like to know what software and hardware if any that I will need in order to run the Pro Edition, ie: how many gigs, platform-gigastudio? Basically I need someone to tell me...u need this type of mixing desk? this type of platform? cuebase, gigastudio? samplers, soundcard, etc, the works! At the moment I just have a horrible little thing called Edirol Orchestral, a bunch of other plug-ins, which I use on cuebase sx, a pair of Genelec 2030's, a 12 channel Allen & Heath mixing desk and a Wamirack 24 soundcard. As you can see I'm more int the music composition side of things and need to get my act together on the tech side.


  • Before you think about anything else I would investigate the Vienna Instruments. Pro Edition is so yesterday's news.


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    @DG said:

    Before you think about anything else I would investigate the Vienna Instruments. Pro Edition is so yesterday's news.


    Outrageous Snobbery!




  • Hi, Yeah have just checked out the Vienna Instruments Symphonic Cube boxset, seems more suited to my needs, a lot easier to use, So I can then use it on Cuebase SX no? I'll just need more harddisk space, well a lot more really and upgrade my processor too.


  • It works very well with Cubase SX and is much more memory efficient than GigaStudio, so you'll be able to run many more instruments. Make sure that you check out the memory "sticky" before you decide how much RAM. etc.


  • Hi DG, This is my system-(Windows service pack 2) (Ram-1024) (Harddisk space local C (28.6 gb) ( gb) (processor-intel pentium 4-(2.4ghz)
    Would you reckon I need to upgrade anything from the list above in order to run Vienna Instruments Symphonic Cube on Cuebase SX?


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    @tallyho said:

    Hi DG, This is my system-(Windows service pack 2) (Ram-1024) (Harddisk space local C (28.6 gb) ( gb) (processor-intel pentium 4-(2.4ghz)
    Would you reckon I need to upgrade anything from the list above in order to run Vienna Instruments Symphonic Cube on Cuebase SX?


    You are at the lower end of what would be acceptable to run even a small part of the Cube. Firstly you need much more storage space for the samples. The amount of RAM that you have should be increased to 3GB (assuming that your motherboard can take it). Do remember that even though with such a slow processor you will theoretically be able to run a fair number of instruments, the RAM that you have will become full very quickly.

    I'm sure that cost will come into it, but my advice would be:

    1) Fit another hard drive and use it for samples only (it can be internal, firewire or USB 2.0)
    2) Upgrade your RAM to 3GB if you can (use something like the Crucial check to see what your PC can support), but you will need to use the /3Gig switch (see the memory sticky).
    3) Start saving up for another, faster PC; you can use both of them in your setup by connecting via a network using FX-Teleport.


  • Hi DG, Its me again! I'll be getting a new system shortly with tons of hard disk space and ram then I'll be saving up for the Vienna Instruments. Also what choir/voices would you recommend? I've heard a few demos on this site with voices/choirs and they sound amazing but don't think Vienna do any choir software?


  • A lot depends on what you need voices for. The VLS is only Sopranos and a very incomplete set at that. It is also not currently for sale.

    Symphony of voices has some great stuff, but I tend to use EW Symphonic Choirs for the big stuff that needs words. I don't use anything but the Full mike positions and it is clunky as hell to program, but so far there is nothing better on the market as far as my ears can tell. Hopefully their new player will eliminate some of my complaints, but really I'm more interested in VSL releasing a full choir, complete with Word Building.


  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on