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  • you can install an old version if it works for you (unsupported) and update the license database or the latest (recommended)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Beat, why do you recommend keeping with 5.0.6 at this time? Is it more reliable / stable? Did you have any issues with 5.0.8?


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    @Jerome said:

    Beat, why do you recommend keeping with 5.0.6 at this time? Is it more reliable / stable? Did you have any issues with 5.0.8?

    Hello Jerome
    Yes and now. 5.0.8 works like 5.05 - 5.0.6 but...
    it exists a difference of some minutes in "searching for licences". > 7' ~ 1'25"
    (my PC)
    The opinion of lots of people here: 5.0.5... works even better than
    Unfortunately I only can offer

    Another topic

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Here, on Mac, takes 1' 10"...
    I've got all licenses less the "WW II" and the "Brass II"...

    If it can be useful to know...


    EDIT: Just updated to same, identical, time to open the VI! [:D]

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    @rino amato said:

    Here, on Mac, takes 1' 10"...
    I've got all licenses less the "WW II" and the "Brass II"...
    If it can be useful to know...
    EDIT: Just updated to same, identical, time to open the VI! [:D]

    Thanks for this information!
    Happy MAC-world [[;)]]


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Here, = 35 seconds ! (all the library as well as the half)
    I use Cakewalk Sonar 6 on the main and the slaves computer.

    Happy PC world for me ! [8-)] [[;)]] [:D] [:P]

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    Here, = 35 seconds ! (all the library as well as the half)
    I use Cakewalk Sonar 6 on the main and the slaves computer.
    Happy PC world for me ! [8-)] [[;)]] [:D] [:P]


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Hi all,

    I am unable to reproduce the problems with LCC on Mac, concerning initial start-up times.

    I just ran a test on a Mac G5 and here are my results for the Initial start-up times (for Symphonic Cube Extended + Organ = 11 Master Licenses, Vienna Key):

    AU/VST Vienna Instrument, Mac -> max. 71 seconds

    Standalone Vienna Instrument, Mac -> max. 65 seconds

    At the moment I am not sure what might cause the differences in start up times, anyway you can of course use LCC if that works better on your setup (it can be necessary to update the database of LCC!).

    Paul will post his start time results for VI on PC soon. (Paul?)


    M a y a

  • Hi,

    unfortunately I am havin the same long loading times on a PC with LCC as you do. We are in contact with Syncrosoft and will find out what might have gone wrong. Meanwhile I recommend to use an older version of the LCC.

    Thanks for your patience!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Happy MAC-world... indeed! [:D]


  • Dear Customers,

    a new Syncrosoft Master Installer ( has been released.

    The license database has been updated.

    With this installer, the format of the license database (SLD-files)
    changed, so it will not be possible to use the Update License Database
    feature of older LCCs. Trying this will cause an appropriate message
    that asks the user to download the latest installer.

    Initial start-up times of Vienna Instruments should be fixed again with this installer!


    M a y a

  • Thx Maya! [:D]

  • GREAT! ...after my VI open after 5 minutes! [[:|]]

    No offense... but... Are you... are they (at Syncrosoft) kidding? [*-)]:

    (Please, don't say to me that "I'd not have to install the update"...)

    [8-)] to speak...

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    @rino amato said:

    GREAT! ...after my VI open after 5 minutes! [[[:|]]]
    No offense... but... Are you... are they (at Syncrosoft) kidding? [*-)]:
    (Please, don't say to me that "I'd not have to install the update"...)
    [8-)] to speak...

    I confirm rino's 5200-statement: [[[:|]]]
    ...even if I can count only 3 minutes (~1'30" bevor > with


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • rino, how many licenses do you have on the key where it takes 5 minutes?
    we tested startup times between not even 30 seconds and a few seconds more than one minute (windows a little less, ppc-mac a little more, but in any case the difference is seconds)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    rino, how many licenses do you have on the key where it takes 5 minutes?
    we tested startup times between not even 30 seconds and a few seconds more than one minute (windows a little less, ppc-mac a little more, but in any case the difference is seconds)

    Hallo Christian
    I'm not Rino but nevertheless...
    The cube, the soprano choir and the organ

    All the best

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • I can confirm Christian's "hot" time on a Mac G5 (OS 10.4.7) using
    I have the Cube + Saxes +Organ and VI standalone opened in 1 min plus a second or two. AU in Logic from a "cold" start after a logout was exactly the same.
    I'm very happy.....

    Regards - Colin

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    @cm said:

    rino, how many licenses do you have on the key where it takes 5 minutes?
    we tested startup times between not even 30 seconds and a few seconds more than one minute (windows a little less, ppc-mac a little more, but in any case the difference is seconds)

    Hi cm...
    well, I've just opened -this morning- my VI in 3' 12" (does it seems an... Olympic Game? [:D])... this is my new established time (yesterday, I had: a complet "freezed" first opening [[:|]], then the 5 min time... then -later in the evening- the new 3' 12" time...)

    ...I've "cleaned up" my System... that's, I think, brought down to 3' 13"... but, still, it's 2 minutes more then the ver. as Beat told too... more or less.... (thanks Beat!)

    If Colin (thanks Colin!) confirm your time, it's my Setup to slow down my 5200 (but it's the same setup of 5084!:cry[:)]... I've got 8 licenses (on one key... HEY! ...I've got another Syncrosoft key licenseing just Virtual Guitarrist 2... could be it to slow down the process...? I'll try without later...). My samples are shared on two external FW800 (laCie) 250GB... with a G5 Dual 2.0GHz - MacOS 10.4.8...

    That's it! seems that Syncrosoft Operation is very sensible to our different setups... [:O]ops:

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    @Another User said:

    HEY! ...I've got another Syncrosoft key licenseing just Virtual Guitarrist 2... could be it to slow down the process...? I'll try without later...

    [[:|]] ...I've take out the other (Steinberg) key... NEW TIME!

    Just: 1' 05"... [:O]ops:

    [*-)]: [*-)]: [*-)]: ...suggestions...?

    (anyway... remember... the more 2, or 1 or 3, minutes... it's not the end of the world! :wink[:)]

  • i was just writing a reply regarding *we have to analize the systems in detail* when i noticed your update.
    an assumption: the *license query* scans all possible licenses _per key_, so two keys double the startup time ... sounds logical?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.