Hmmm... something is obviously going on. It would be very helpful to be given a clue. I am desperate to get hold of the appassionata violins and would pay up for them without blinking as they would be very useful for a couple of projects I am working on. I fully intend to upgrade to VI in the next year, but assume it will take me a couple of weeks (at least) to change my system/get used to a new way of working etc and can't really do that in the middle of a job. Does anyone suspect they might go on sale in the near future (i.e. weeks???) or do we think that we will have to wait until an entire appassionata string library is recorded? I would be very happy if someone out there in vsl land gave me a hint [*-)] Thank you.
@synthetic said:
Q4 means fourth quarter, October through December.
Or next years Q1. [:)]
I'm looking also for the Appasionatta. Probably the best violins out there.
In the past, when the nice people at VSL don't respond to forum postings for a while it's because they're too busy trying to finish the product. I"ll bet they're all scurrying around the hallways and/or sitting in front of monitors with sweaty headphones on.
Let's just bide our time and hope that they add the important articulations to the violins and make the celli sound right this time.
My guess is that they know this and are moving heaven and earth to do it right. They're probably working as long and as hard as they can to earn the trust for us to give them our next $1000.
Working for a manufacturer myself, I know things slip all the time for reasons beyond our control. Bugs happen, unexpected delays, you can't get the discs printed or they're wrong coming from the manufacturer, etc. I'm sure they're working as hard as they can but don't expect a shipping estimate until it's emminent.
A demo would be nice, though. [6] [:)]