Ok, I checked the Lemur last week at Ed Shearmur's studio, and it is absolutely *amazing*. Providing you know (or know someone who knows) how to program it properly.
My friend Kayla Schmah, Ed's amazing tech assistant, programmed the whole thing. She made 6 different templates on the Lemur, on which you can choose over 32 articulations per orchestra section. You just select a big button which tells you which articulation will be played.
In the background, it sends a midi controller message to Digital Performer. Like a keyswitch, except that it's a controller (so you don't see it on the score page).
Let's say you're on a Violin track for example. Just pop-up the Strings section page on the Lemur, choose any articulation (say, legato) with your left hand, and start playing. Tap on "staccato", and the sound will change automatically. You don't have to stop playing or anything else. Just select the articulation.
If you forgot to record the midi message at the start of your recording, you can - as for regular keyswitches - go back to the start of your sequence, press "record", and tap once on the right articulation. Here you go : you just sent a midi controller message to DP, and next time you play the sequence, you'll know for sure it uses the right articulation.
It's so great to see it in action. Not only is the Lemur a real beauty of its own, but it's allow fully customizable and programmable. *AND*, Kayla made it work with Digital Performer (and her system can work with any other sequencer). Waow.
Very cool stuff. Probably the best way I saw to use - easily! - the full power of the VI!