@JBacal said:
...I used no EQ. I have EQ-phobia. For me, chosing a pleasing reverb and finding articulations with a pleasing timbre are 90% of the battle. But I do wish I had a better understanding of how and when to use EQ. It remains a mystery to me. Things tend to sound worse and not better when I muck around with EQ.
Hi Jay
Congratulations also from my side - it's another "JBacal". Great work and the details of
the instruments are very well worked out.
I would have a suggestion which you could try out... but what a pity that you have an EQ-phobia...
my suggestion has to do with EQing... may I go on?... If you start to sweat now please stop
reading this post.
If not...
As you know the solo instruments where recorded at silent stage very close
to the microphon.
In your piece the Trumpet and the English Horn should sound far away. They do it but they
sound too voluminous in my opinion. For example the English Horn in the mid (more forte) part.
Please go to my tutorial
EQing / cutting frequencies There are examples...
Try it out with the EH and the Trumpet if you want.
All the best from a currently very
hot Switzerland (33-34°C)
Beat Kaufmann