@Jaimo said:
Thanks Tom. That's good to know... that the Export function, which IS an offline bounce, works.
Often times however, I will prefer to do an offline bounce of a buss, that has all my Vienna Instruments assigned to it. This creates an audio file of a submix. This action requires a bounce, not an export.
I hope they can figure out why one works, while the other doesn't. Because they're really the same thing. Perhaps it's having 2 or more Vienna Instruments playing simultaneously, that causes the bottle neck as far as offline bouncing goes...
Tom, what happens when you select "Export All Tracks as audio Files"? Doest he export still work then?
First let me restate everything. NOTHING is working. I use EXPORT TRACK TO AUDIO and am having problems. I ALSO have problems when I use FREEZE, I gave up using Freeze in the last version of Logic. So nothing right now is working consistently. SOMETIMES, EXPORT TRACK TO AUDIO does work, but I would say at least 50 per cent of the time my VSL tracks end up with artifacts in them, spikes, or a second or so of cut off audio. So FREEZING has never worked reliably for me, but in the last version of Logic EXPORT TRACK TO AUDIO did seem to work. It is with the latest Logic version that this feature has now become next to useless.
I think you may be onto something with the multiple VIs. Last night, when it just wouldn't work at all no matter how many times I tried it, I had about 6 VIs up, although of course I was only exporting ONE track at a time to audio. Maybe if I had only had ONE VI up it would have worked. Will explore this.
Oddly, I just did a 4 minute sales film and when I sent a rough to the editor I used OFFLINE BOUNCE for the whole song, and it worked fine, though in that case it was all audio audio tracks save for a very brief seven second area that had about three VIS (Trem VLNS, FL Leg and something else) going...