Very nice, gents. Thanks so much for doing this piece. It was the piece I used when first getting VI Strings. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful legato-- how the connective material between notes accomplished what I struggled to make work properly. In fact, I'm still working on it... Had a little trouble downloading the new files, but am eager to get these installed and incorporated into my setup.
I also appreciated the application of reverb and ambience, which didn't seem to obscure the subtle details.
Kudos MUST go to the interpretation-- the expressive timing and turns of phrases are extremely well done. BRAVO, gents. BRAVO!!
One question-- the contrabass at times *sounds* as if a pizz was used- I'm not saying that it was the case; but there seems to be a very distinctive "point" on some contrabass attacks. Can you comment on these?
Nice job. Thanks again.