@dpcon said:
I have never seen this happen so I'm guessing it's a VI issue but don't really know: when I select some midi tracks (5 string tracks in this case) and click to open the quickscribe window to compare the midi parts with the score on paper, DP quits.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Actually, I've had this problem a lot in the past-- less so of late. I'm not *entirely* sure what solves it, but for a while it had something to do with Consolidated Wndows and opening various edit windows. Depending upon how much RAM you have loaded, the process of generating the graphics may just spike the RAM usage for long enough to cause the crash.
One thing you may want to do (if you haven't already) is to disable Widgets and iSight. Also, disable Consol. Windows if you have less than 3 GB RAM. I've ordered an additional 4GB (for 8GB total) RAM, which I understand helps a variety of issues. I did notice that the DP quit problem didn't happen so much when I went from 2.5 GB to 4.5 GB. I'm hoping that going full wack will eliminate the issue altogether.
Curious-- are you using DP5? I'm eager to hear about how Vi works with this... I'm holding on to DP 4.6x for a while longer...