I have no starts remaining in my demo application. How can I reinstall the demo application?
Clarification on demo starts please
this is a so-called date license and has an additional limitation regarding the starts (here of a certain collection opposed to the original all applications demo license which counted down with every start of _any_ collection)
if you have used your 30 starts before the 30 days are over you can renew such date-licenses simply connecting to syncrosoft's license server (using SLCC)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
I say VSL should extend the demo license for 3 years!
we'll take that in consideration ... for a little handling fee ... say EUR 445 for the solo strings for example [;)]
the assumption from your first statement is correct - these demo date licenses expire after day 30
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.