@Another User said:
Q2. If this is the case - on one machine could I install Bidule Plogue and get this app. to access 3 GB with a couple of my VI Library and also install GIGA 3 and have this app also access 3GB (meaning a total of 6 - 8 GB of physical RAM installed??) - would the PC do this - (I am thinking of some of the higher end CARILLON computer range.)
Giga3 uses kernel memory, so the most you will get is about 1.1Gb. Having done the memory tweaks to make this possible there are users who are loading another 1.3Gb in applications such as V-Stack, although it didn't work for me (for various irrelevant reasons).
There is no point in trying to get more than 4Gb RAM (and the last GB is mostly useless) as you can't use more than about 2.8Gb for sample loading however you look at it. If you machine is going to be a slave and nothing else, then the specs don't actually have to be that high, as you're likely to run out of RAM long before the CPU complains. This decision can be made when you have finalised your choice.
OK....thanks DG - that is useful info-
So - The MAC route looks more expensive but I get slightly more RAM usage whereas with the PC route I could possibly make up for loss of RAM usage by buying another machine with the money saved.....
I also have to say that I like the way you have your computers hooked up (FXTeleport) looks like a real elegant solution...I am on Logic 7 as a sequencer so MY DAW has to be a MAC....and seeing as there is no news about the OSX version of FXT I am a little snookered. - OK
Finally - one more for you - When the entire library (all 10 VI's) finally emerges will you still use GS3 on any machine (I presume you are now) to host your Pro LIbrary or do you think you will go completely VI for everything - just wondering....I am totally blown away by the VI's - so intuitive - amazing.