Hi Dietz,
This is probably obvious too but I'll mention it anyway. I think it's important on the harmonic series type registrations that the octave, quint, ninth, etc. be sampled with those actual ranks playing not just playing the octave of the 8 foot principle diapason because the pipe scale difference changes more than just volume level of the pipe. Slight tuning differences and the timbre of the different scales makes for a subtle but important difference in the sound of the organ.
Can we see a stop list for the instrument so that we can give better input into the choices made? BTW, thanks for taking input on this, it's just another example of how cool VSL is.
I know it may be too late but when miking closer to the playing ranks it doesn't sound weird, it sounds awesome. When you are in the hall, listening to the organ, walk up closer to the playing ranks. You'll hear more detail, dynamics, and the little things that make up the instruments sound like the chuff of the pipe as they come up and just start speaking. I know that you have a lot of mics in the hall, perhaps we can have the option to choose a closer mic position to the speaking rank? (This would also help when I play the VI organ in a hall, less reverb on reverb) Am I beating a dead horse with this? Forgive me if I'm going on too much with this, it's just a passion of mine. Post Instruments actually has seperate samples for the clicks and clacks that the chests make but this misses out totally on the more important chuffs and other wind noise that make a real organ.
Thanks again, I appreiciate what you're doing Dietz.