Thanks for the speedy update. I,ve updated the Vienna Instrument and these results may be of interest.
Mac OS 10.4.5 / Logic 7.2 / G5 Dual 2.5 6.5GB RAM all external drives unmounted except the VSL sample data drive. First 5 VSL Vienna Instruments installed with extended content authorised.
On first launch inserting first VI as an AU in Logic takes 2 minutes 35 seconds, subsequent insertions take 3 seconds. If Logic is quit then re-opened without re-booting the computer first insertion of a VI AU takes 5-6 Seconds.
With Logic already launched and a Vienna Instrument having already been inserted with a previous song, opening a song with a full VI takes just short of 6 minutes.
As a comparison this takes about 50% longer than Logic loading a maxed out VSL session using EXS 24.
I calculate that the sample headers are being loaded into RAM at a rate of 500MB per minute. The drive set-up I am using will transfer into RAM at 15GB per minute excluding caching or 30GB per minute if the cache is taken into account (though for larger files this is less relevent) I'm sure there is a lot of calculation overhead as the VI locates each header in the .dat file and then transfers the required section but do you think there will be significant load time improvements over the next few months?