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  • Perf tool Kontakt question

    Up until today I have been on the giga platform.
    During the last sale I picked up a couple more horizon titles and was thinking of trying them in kontakt.

    I am bit confused as to the perf tool registration thing.

    It seems you only get one chance to choose which format you want the perf tool in? Is this correct?

    Is the perf tool in kontakt the same tool for all horizon libs?
    Is the perf tool in giga the same for all horizon libs?

    If so - can I just register one of the in kontakt format - get the tool - and try it out in kontakt for awhile.
    And will that kontakt perf tool work on the rest of my horizon titles?

    I am not sure how its going to go in kontakt as I have had many issues with kontakt 2. I'd hate to register them all in kontakt format only to then have to crossgrade my way back to gig.

    I already have the entire pro edition in two formats after not liking life in logic!!

    thanks for any and all suggestions on how best to work this out.


  • ed, you select the preferred format during registration of your library.

    in case this is kontakt you then have the choice to download the performance tool for mac or PC for usage with kontakt 1.5.x (*regular* kontakt programs needed) or you decide to work with kontakt 2 and download the respective programs with scripts (no perftool needed then)

    which modes are enabled during activation of the performance tool depends on your registered products - the performance tool itself is always the same.

    please don't forget to repeat the activation of the performance tool for giga in case you add horizon libraries to your pro edition


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Ed,

    you have the option to buy side licenses to use your library on different platforms.

    I just checked and saw that you have the full Pro Edition, so unfortunately Kontakt2 is not a choice here...

    For all Horizon Series products, hereĀ“s more info on the side licenses:

    We have customized all programs to fit all programs (yes, each single one had to be adjusted and doublechecked)....

    As you are working with Kontakt 2, you will have one great benefit: You donĀ“t need the Performance Tool anymore, as it is already integrated via scripts in the programs in Kontakt2, this is for all Horizon Series products. The Symphonic Editions are not supported by Kontakt.

    So the way to go for Horizon Series products is: Get a side license for a Horizon Series product in our webshop and download the programs... thatĀ“s it.

    Which issues are you having? ThereĀ“s a lot of experienced users here, that will also help you!

    BTW: I do not recommend to translate your Pro Edition yourself, itĀ“s simply too much work....

    And: the perfect sampler platform is very close to shipping: Vienna Instruments!

    Hope this helps...

    You can also contact me at, if you have any further questions.

    Best, Paul

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Oops, Christian was faster [:D]

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Oops, Christian was faster [[:D]]

    This is what I like about the VSL forum - very responsive moderators!! [[:D]]

    As for the Kontakt2 users not needing the perfomance tool I don't know if that's completely true. If I'm not mistaken alternation isn't integrated in the Kontakt instruments, however all performance elements like legato and repetition are, and that's what's most important. So if one want to use alternation one still need the performance tool, and for all other things one can do without it.

    If the scripting in Kontakt2 gets enhanced at some point in time to let scripts control multiple instruments and not just a single one at a time (which is the case today), it might be possible to implement some kind of alternation inside Kontakt as well. I'm hoping for that.


  • nils, i'm not very familiar with kontakt, but although the legato scripts are not editable ... isn't there an option to create alternation scripts by your own?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    nils, i'm not very familiar with kontakt, but although the legato scripts are not editable ... isn't there an option to create alternation scripts by your own?

    Currently you can only use scripts to manipulate the notes that a particular instrument receives. Thus, it's not possible to have a script receive a note and decide on what instrument should play it or to which midi channel it should be sent - all scripts are associated with a particular instrument and the midi data never leaves that instrument. This is a limitation of Kontakt2.

    It would be possible to make an alternation script that works with a combination instrument (I should have pointed that out), but then one would be limited to choose among the articulations of that specific instrument. For example, it would not be possible to have alternation between legato and staccato since that's different instruments (at least not without using duplicate scripts and have the user manually make the same settings in both which seems like too much trouble).

    (The term instrument above refers to Kontakt instrument files)


  • nils, this is basically the same approach the alternation tool takes ... it needs an instrument which has the articulations intended to be *alternated* already mapped in it's dimensions (layers). it can neither load another instrument *on demand* nor switch to a legato instrument

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    Nils, this is basically the same approach the alternation tool takes ... it needs an instrument which has the articulations intended to be *alternated* already mapped in it's dimensions (layers). it can neither load another instrument *on demand* nor switch to a legato instrument

    Oh, I see. I haven't downloaded the performance tool since I felt no need for it. If I understand you correctly then the performance tool apart from doing legato and repetition, automates key switching but does no midi channel rerouting. So even with legato and staccato loaded it would not be possible to alternate between these using the tool.
    Well, in that case it should be possible (and pretty easy) to write a simple alternation mode script for K2 that does what the performance tool does.

    Ed, I hope I didn't take over your thread and that all your questions were answered.
