@Laurent said:
For the moment I cannot understand anything without the Discount Calculator being active:
That's quite complicated, even for the VSL team.
Should we buy now all the horizon libraries except guitars, glass, and a few others to be able to qualify for the 30€ upgrade ?
As far as I understand (and if the price policy wont change) you should mostly buy the horizon samples now becuase you a) what them now b) see the value in having them even after the uprade and lastly c) to save a few bucks.
You wont be saving huge sums (as I initially thought). You will save about €30-60 per package. Take Chamber strings for instance. If you buy that now at the reduced price and then later upgrade, you will save about €45 in all, as opposed to just buying the VI directly. Again this is how I understand it, I may be wrong or done my math poorly
The other benefit with that route Christian is that you will have the open samples for use with GS or whatever as well as all the same samples (+ 100% more) with the Full VI.