Welcome and hello everybody,
May I introduce myself: My name is Dietz Tinhof, and I've the honour to moderate the Vienna Symphonic Library's Mixing- and "PostPro"-forum you are visiting right now. Here you will have the possibility to discuss all aspects of actual music production envolving products of the Vienna Symphonic Library.
By definition, this forum is meant to be a user-board, with its "raison d'être" in serving people who already own and use our products in the exchange of opinions and experiences. You won't necessarily receive answers to questions which are covered in the manual of the library or your sampling-application; here, we will try to concentrate on the usage of the Vienna Symphonic Library in context of contemporary studio-environments. We are more on the technical side of life here. Examples of typical topics would be: What's your favorite reverb unit? Do you have any "secret" mix- or production-tricks you would like to share with others? Do you have certain productions you like to use as a "template" for your own stuff? etc. ...
IMPORTANT: Support inquiries have to be sent directly to our support team (supportATvsl.co.at), please! Although the community forums are monitored constantly by VSL staff members, this is NOT the official support channel for VSL products.
The goal of this forum is an ever-expanding public collection of different approaches in the realisation of virtual orchestral music. Of course I see it as my primary duty as moderator to offer help as fast and as thorough as possible. But ideally, you will read more than one opinion as an answer, from other forum-members sharing their ideas and experiences. Please keep in mind that we are exploring new ground pretty often here, so don't expect ultimative solutions, but encouragement by finding your own way.
BTW - gossip and off-topic threads will be tolerated to a certain amount in this forum, as long as I don't get the feeling that things are getting out of hand. Don't tell me about "freedom of speech" then, because I represent absolute power here 😉 ... after all, this is a private forum. Let's make it a friendly web-hangout for brothers & sisters in mind.
So let the party begin! All the best,
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library