Yes. The new interface handles exactly the same tasks (and then some) that would require many tracks and tons of automation. It is quite obvious that the VSL staff uses these samples for composition and aren't just programmers.
The functionality of the new VI standard packages are superior to any of their equivalent previous packages precisely for this reason. I would trade functionality and ease of use of these sounds over the number of samples or articulations (even the trills) in the library any day of the week.
It is no wonder that most VSL members feel frustrated right now.
Brilliant stuff this is.
The functionality of the new VI standard packages are superior to any of their equivalent previous packages precisely for this reason. I would trade functionality and ease of use of these sounds over the number of samples or articulations (even the trills) in the library any day of the week.
It is no wonder that most VSL members feel frustrated right now.
Brilliant stuff this is.